AREA Established in December 1993 as the continuation of GTZ DESP Project. AREA is a non-governmental, non-political, not-for-profit, developmental organization. AREA envisions the achievement of peace and stability in Afghanistan through enabling the communities in term of humanitarian and development aspects and believes that empowering communities at the grassroots level is the key to having a developed and prosperous Afghanistan. For this reason, AREA focuses its efforts on establishing/supporting Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) enabling the organization to have a long-term partnership with rural and urban communities. AREA’s overall goal is to contribute towards humanitarian services, rehabilitation and development and peace and security in Afghanistan in an environmentally sound manner. This is only possible through the establishment of a strong base with the provision of technical financial support, through a behavior change, within target communities for environmentally friendly rehabilitation and development in all aspects of human prosperity.
AREA has a decentralized structure with offices in three different geographical zones in Afghanistan. Well-equipped Regional Offices in Kabul, Herat, and Nangarhar Provinces are responsible for carrying out projects/ programs in these and their surrounding provinces. The management in these offices is responsible for assessing, designing, developing, and implementing projects and programs within the framework of AREA’s long-term Strategic Plans, while the management at AREA Headquarters in Kabul is responsible for the technical support, overall control, and monitoring and evaluation of all projects/programs conducted by these Regional Offices.
The steady development and expansion of AREA have resulted in its recognition among international and national governments, the aid community, donors, and local communities as one of the reputable National NGOs operating in Afghanistan. Its good relations and partnerships at the National and International levels will be the key to its further success in the future.